(281) 407-1670

List Ready Tips


The way you prepare your home for a potential buyer leave a drastic impact on how quickly your home is going to sell. Here are some tips on getting your home ready to sell.


The exterior of your property – known as the curb appeal, matters a lot to the buyers. Therefore, it is prudent to invest some time and finances into revamping the outlook of your home. It will help you increase the number of showings and will drastically impact the selling price.

  1. Plant flowers – use the right colors to evoke buyer’s emotions
  2. Reduce clutter to a minimum. Keep your toys, bikes, and other equipment in a storage
  3. Give your property a clean and well-kept appearance by repainting necessary areas
  4. Get the sidewalks, and the exterior walls of your property cleaned. Consider renting a power washer
  5. A trim landscape can attract buyers, so mow and water your lawn
  6. Cover all the bare spots in your garden with grass
  7. Fix any missing roofing tiles and make sure your house number is visible from the street


Once the curb appeal of your property is sorted, the next step is to declutter. Remove all the items and give the buyers a chance to look at things from their perspective.

  1. Organize everything insider your home. Buyers will look around every aspect of your property. They will open cabinets and closets and check out minor details. For example: neatly stack dishes, line up shoe, place cup handles in the same position, arrange your spice rack, and hang jackets or shirts uniformly.
  2. Do everything possible to increase the space of a room. Consider removing unnecessary furniture from the dining room and the living room. This makes the area look open and allows the buyer to play with their imagination.
  3. Remove all signs of your association with the property. This involves removing personal photos, mementos, and trophies. Take away all the random items that you will be moving with you, remove the books from shelves and empty all counters.

Contact Us today and let our experts help you get the maximum benefit from selling your property. Our experts can help you in a variety of ways.